For Questions or to Place an Order Please Call, Email or Stop by Our Location.
We Accept Cash, Checks and All Major Credit Cards. and Payment can be made on Pick-up.
(425) 883-4233

Engraving Pricing:

  • Engraving is priced at $.32 per letter.
  • Spaces and punctuation are not charged.
  • There is an $8.50 minimum on engraving.
  • Logo engraving is $1.50 to $3.50 depending on complexity.
  • There is no charge for logo set-up as long as artwork is submitted in the proper format. (JPEG or PDF, 300 DPI or better resolution and, for engraving on crystal, glass or acrylic, it must be in black and white with no grays or half-tones.)
  • Logos going on metal or phenolic plastic may be in color.